Carrot Ladoo

Have you ever tried Carrot ladoo? If not, you have to try this delicious carrot ladoo made with grated carrots and condensed milk. Add lot of nuts of your choice, yummy. Have tried this ladoo for the first time and believe me they are so good, taste wise and look wise too. 

This recipes goes tot he 2nd day of Blogging Marathon 86, under the theme " All that comes round are Ladoo's ? Here goes the recipe........


Grated carrots 2 cups
Condensed milk 3/4 of  cup
Cardamom powder 1/2 spoon
Cashew nuts chopped 4 spoons
Desiccated coconut 4 spoons


In a non stick pan add grated carrots and condensed milk.
Mix nicely and cook on medium heat.
Keep stirring in between so that the bottom doesn't stick.
Add chopped cashew and cardamom powder.
Mix and let cook till the mixture is thick enough to make ladoo.
Remove from heat and set aside to cool down.
Now make ladoo's and roll them in desiccated coconut.

These ladoo's can be stored in airtight container and refrigerated.
If refrigerated they are good about a week. 
They taste best of consumed same day. 

Check to see what my fellow bloggers are cooking for Blogging Marathon 86.


  1. Awesome carrot ladoos ! I like this version with condensed milk , must be making it so rich . Btw even I posted carrot ladoos for Day 3 .

  2. Interesting laddu with carrots. It must have tasted some what similar to gajjar halwa. Carrots have lent a beautiful color to the laddu.

  3. Rich and sinful laddus. With the laddus rolled in coconut , they look so cute.

  4. They look amazing. With condensed milk, they must taste so rich. Perfect for festivals..

  5. wow such a healthy and eye catchy ladoo there. loved your version of carrot ladoo with condensed milk, some coconut in it must have given it a divine flavor. I can gobble them all :)

  6. Lovely colour and must have tasted sinful!..I love how you have rolled it over coconut..

  7. Carrot laddoos look amazing...very unique idea. Yum

  8. with carrots using coconut powder very new to me. Laddus looking very yummy.

  9. Love the cute orange colour laddoos, interesting laddoos to give a try soon. Simply fabulous.

  10. Such tempting and mouth-watering ladoo. Feel like grabbing from the screen.

  11. Carrot laddoo? Wow. I have tried halwa and kheer. But laddoos do sound innovative

  12. Love that color and with desiccated coconut on top, they look very inviting. Bookmarking to try.

  13. That looks gorgeous dear!! pretty color and love how you have rolled them with dessicated coconut, gives it a rich look!

  14. Colourful, healthy and tasty ladoos. Carrots have imparted a beautiful colour to it and what a healthy ladoo.

  15. I have never tried carrot laddoo and looking at your pics, I want to try them right now :-) I like that you rolled them in coconut -- they look so pretty.

  16. I love carrot in sweets. These look so delicious!


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